Museum exhibits include:
Ellen Thomson
Ellen Thomson became the only woman legally hanged in Queensland. She was sentenced over the murder of her husband, William Thomson.
Road Construction
The route over the ranges to the Hodgkinson goldfield became known as Christie Palmerston's "Bump Track".
The Chinese Community
The census of 1886 shows that ethnic Chinese represented almost two-thirds of the district's total population.
Shipping Navigation
The impressive Chance Brothers light, a revolving dioptric Fresnel lens of the third order, was the original light mounted on Low Island lighthouse in 1878.
Early Sugar Industry
Settlement on the Mossman River by Dan Hart and Richard Owen Jones led to the construction of the Mossman Central Mill.
Police Service
Henry Hasenkamp began as gold escort trooper and retired as sergeant at Port Douglas after 40 difficult years
Coral Sea Battle
Graphic display of the events centred on the Battle of the Coral Sea 7-8 May 1942 off the North Queensland coast.